When an Activity receives the onSaveInstanceState lifecycle callback When an Activity receives the onStop lifecycle callback

When an Activity receives the onPause lifecycle callback When an Activity receives the onResume lifecycle callback When an Activity receives the onStart lifecycle callback When an Activity receives the onCreate lifecycle callback The following breadcrumbs are collected and can be filtered/amended in an OnBreadcrumbCallback or disabled by its type using enabledBreadcrumbTypes: Data Breadcrumbsīreadcrumbs are automatically recorded for common actions and can be helpful to reproduce errors.
To prevent collection, update the data in an OnErrorCallback. To see the data collected about a captured error ( Throwable), see the errors property of the Event class. Modifying error information may affect error grouping. The amount of memory allocated by the Android Runtime (in bytes) The amount of memory allocated by the app ( totalMemory - freeMemory)

The most recently received memory trim level The maximum amount of memory which can be allocated by the app (in bytes) Whether the system is running in a low memory situation The amount of memory available to be allocated by the app (in bytes) This determines whether scheduled jobs and alarms can execute Whether the user has enabled background work restrictions. The screen name of the current foreground Activity To prevent collection, update the data in an OnErrorCallback and OnSessionCallback. To see the data collected about your app, see the app property of the Event and Session classes. Information about the application can be useful to identify if an error occurs in certain versions. The screen density scaling factor of the device The type of network in use on the device when the event occurred The status of location services when the event occurred The screen density scaling factor of the device in DPI

Whether the device was charging when the event occurred The battery level on the device when the event occurred This data can be removed by clearing the following keys from metadata: Section In addition, the following data is collected and added to the metadata field of an Event. To see the data collected about a user’s device, see the device property of the Event and Session classes. Information about the device can be useful to identify if an error is only occurring on some devices. To prevent collection, set an initial value in the Bugsnag client or update the data in an OnErrorCallback and OnSessionCallback. If no user ID is set on the Bugsnag client, a Bugsnag-generated Device ID is used for the user.id property of Event and Session objects. Set your own user identifiers if you want to be able to find errors affecting individual users. User information is used to show you which errors are impacting the most users. Documentation for the previous release can be found on our legacy pages.
If you are using older versions, we recommend upgrading to the latest release using our Upgrade guide. This documentation is for version 5 of the Bugsnag Android notifier.