
Apache air assault split screen
Apache air assault split screen

apache air assault split screen


It is very important in a military simulator so that the player does not have any undue advantage over the AI. All the movements that the player can carry out, the AIs would also be able to perform.

  • Individual AIs would be able to lean, sidestep and roll, like the player can.
  • It would be great if squads could be 'linked controled' and work together to acheive a goal rather than as separate weaker entities. This would include things like MG providing suppressing fire while riflemen move in.
  • AI that follows proper military doctrine for the appropriate army (OPFOR, BLUFOR, Independant).
  • apache air assault split screen

    AI that makes mistakes depending on rank (higher means less chance of mistakes) and pressure. AI that can call for reinforcements with radio. AI that takes a bit more time to communicate with each other depending on distance from each other. AI that freaks out under fire and gets less accurate.A detailed path for the AI near buildings, which can provide them cover, more brained and improved AI please.


    Possibly tweak the cone of light projected by full beams to be wider, would help when driving at night. Not certain where this would go and even if its doable in ArmA (or will have to wait for ArmA:II): in addition to full beam headlights the possibility to dip them too.Those things shake around like crazy! I think it would be a good addition for immersive effect. Add some vibration for inside the helicopters.Multiple Airports - this would be a good addition to the game as we could have dogfights, where planes from both team starts on the ground at different places.Examples of detailed results, Americans Army, Forgotten Battles. And it is necessary that this information saves in a file of text to be able to handle it of easy form and it raise to servers web type PHP, ASP, etc. It is something necessary in order that the clans we could take a few detailed statistics of our members. To add statistics of more detailed missions, with information about the different types of eliminated units, the time of mission, the events, the whole text of the chat, and if it was possible percentages of precision in the shot, etc.It could be consulted from the users menu. It should record number of men killed, armor, air units destroyed, game hours (as infantry, driver, pilot.), times killed, percentage of accuracy with each weapon / total, etc. It would be interesting a total statistics section for every user.I wish there would be a button "Apply" in the video options so you can make your chanches and let the computer chanche all the settings in one piece.Apparently this is going to be fixed in 1.06.Isn't it possible to start the death animation directly after a player gets shot? Even if the animation in progress skips to it is end and immediatly starts the death animation, it would be better than this.I'm allso not very interrested in customizeing my arms and legs which are mostly covered. So you've got smaller data amount and less uploading time joining a server. I think it would be better if the custom face is just the face and not including the legs and arms (legs and arms in a seperate file).The issue of jumping is a good example of this kind of descision being done well - the reloadable AT-4 is a good example of it being done wrong. Basically believability of the environment as well as the variation and ultimately immersion should always take priority. On the other hand, adding one extra weapon that is similar to an existing one is not very important since it does nothing new to shape the world around it. An example of what I mean, adding jamming weapons would be good because it is realistic and adds 'uncertainty' and promotes realistic teamwork to succeed. Less focus on 'balance' and the main stream shooter features as opposed to unfairness, uncertainty, variation and - well - realism.The ability to pick up and carry or drag your wounded soldier(s) out of harms way, as Cpl Willy Apiata of the New Zealand SAS did to save a comrade under fire, in doing so receiving the Victory Cross Bangon82.I have done some digging around and found this act=ST f=70 t=65706 jimothy_183.If you are taking sniper shots at long distance +1000m, you have to aim sky high and most often than not aim at nothing and judge the ballistics. I would like to have the ability to 'dial in' elevation/wind into the sniper rifles, aswell as 'reset' the sights to their default ranges, as happens in real life.12 Gameplay Logic and Overall Continuity.

    Apache air assault split screen